When western medicine seems to fail us .... why not try a different, more holistic approach ... And that is exactly what we did. Robbie was 3 months old when we started noticing that his right foot would turn purple. On one occasion his foot was so purple that it looked black. That's when our dear family friend introduced us to Terri. She is a State Certified Clinical Nutritional Consultant, Biofeedback Consultant, and member of the American Holistic Health Association and member of NANP (National Association of Nutrition Professionals). She has so many abbreviations after her name than I can remember. All her knowledge and experience revolved around gaining knowledge of how our body functions and way that energy could heal our bodies.
We felt so desperate that we would try anything and everything to be able to find answers. Little did we know, the information that came out of that meeting has been guiding us to this day. With the minimal information shared and her visual observations of our son, she recommended to have a Bio-Feedback done. Say whaaat? Bio-Feedback is a bioelectrical analysis giving us an energy picture of the body rather than purely a chemical one. It literally is a map of your body color coded in red, yellow, green. Red indication areas that need immediate attention, yellow indicating caution, and green indicating good health. As I reflect on that day, the bio-feedback was very telling ... there it was ... a picture of my son's body displaying red areas of needed healing. She took her time reading the analysis of the bio-feedback and began explaining the function of the pituitary gland and growth hormones. Thus leading to believe that perhaps Robbie's overgrowth had something to do with the pituitary gland. She talked about his circulation and pointed out that Robbie's cells were not carrying enough oxygen through out his body, thus causing circulation problems and leading to a purple foot. She continued ..... mentioning something that we definitely did not share with her .... she pointed out his kidneys ... and the word cancer, That brought me to my knees. Let me explain ... when Robbie was born and we began to see different specialist, they stated that he would need a routine ultra sound of his kidneys every 3 months as a preventative measure until the age of 8. Preventative measure for what? Well because of the unknown cause of the overgrowth, Robbie could develop Wilmer's tumor. Yup! you guessed it? A cancerous tumor in his kidneys. Most children that develop this tumor survive, but none the less just reading the word cancer, saying the word cancer, or hearing the word cancer being used in the same sentence when referring my child terrifies me. We are grateful and keep praising God for his healing hands as all his past 4 ultra sounds have come back negative. No signs of any tumor.
How can she possible know this information? ... I don't know .. but I can say that her advice and suggested lab work have given us a baseline to work with. It has motivated us to ask questions and search for answers when doctors want us to take a back seat and wait until they decide what should be done next. They become perplexed when we ask questions about lab work and why we want it done. You should see the looks we get when we mention medical journal articles we have read and researched. Let me tell you, they are not dealing with stupid parent's or family members. Robbie has a Super Bad Ass "A" team. An "A" team that will fight to break down the system and open doors for those after us.
Stay tune as we continue taking a walk on the RARE side.