A week from today, Robbie will have his surgery. All day yesterday and today we’ve receive tons of love, support, and prayers. For that we are SO THANKFUL.
Everyone might be wondering and asking them self’s “What the heck is right syme amputation?”
We want to use this blog as a platform to gain insight, educate, advocate, and provide linkage to resources to other families in similar situations as ours.
On that note, Let us provide you with a little insight. It took us a while to grasp and come to terms with what this amputation really looked like and the impact on Robbie’s daily life.
Please note that This is our understanding. We are not doctors, but as his parents we are Robbie’s experts and advocates.
When we think of an amputation we know that there will be removal of a body part. In this case, Robbie's right foot and joint will be removed. Which means he will no longer have a right foot or ankle. He will be left with a stump. And that’s where the magic begins.
Robbie will be able to walk on his stump, just like you and I walk with our feet. As they remove his foot, they will save the heel pad. Which is a fatty tissue that serves as a coushion, it absorbs the shock if you will, when you take a step. It allows for us to bear weight and be able to walk with no pain. The heel pad lies between our bone / planter and the bottom of what we now as our heel.
Take a look at this illustration.
Once the foot is removed, they will secure and attach the heel pad to the keely’s tendon. This will provide
Robbie the comfort to walk on his stump and not have it hurt when he bears weight on it.
I hope the illustration and brief description help gain an idea of what Robbie’s surgery process will look like. We will keep you posted.
Robbie a Super Hero, he is carasmatic, lights up a room when he enters, and he has a magical foot that will teach many perseverance, endurance, and faith.