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More Complications, Less Answers.

 “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I'm here percolating on what's been transpiring these last few weeks.

During a regular wellness check, I question (again) the possible relationship or corrolation of the cyst located next to his pituitary gland to how overgrowth. I figured, one's hormones are responsible for growth, so if there is a slight chance that by removing this cyst would mean slowing down the overgrowth or stopping it on its tracks, you better believe this Mamma Bear will keep asking, advocating, and demanding what ever it will take to get answers. However, We were told that there was no evidence to indicate that cyst would be the corporate to his over growth.  COME AGAIN!!!! 

I'm no doctor, but I do know that the petuitary glad, the thyroid, and

The adrenal glands all work for the purpose of controlling and monitoring hormones in the human body. How can doctors look us straight in the eye and say there's no evidence. All we're asking is to check, run tests, proof to us that this cyst is not a corporate. 

So ..... doctors added the adrenal glands, liver, and spleen to be included in his upcoming quarterly routine kidney ultrasound. 

A week or so later, we go in for his scheduled ultrasound. Everything was what it always has been, at least that's what I thought. The tech started asking questions about Robbie's urination. Does he void enough? How frequent? Odd. But I answer and explain to him that his urination cycles. There are weeks where urinates excessively, changing a wet diaper every 20 mins or less. Then there are weeks where he has a wet diaper every couple of hours. "Oh! Okay. Thanks" is what he said. At the completion of the ultrasound, he asks us to wait until he "clears something." Again, Odd! We have never needed to wait after an ultrasound. Then it hit me. Something must be wrong. He must have seen something. Why ask us about his urination. He was asking us questions that we have asked doctors about months ago. 

24 hours later, we are in Sacramento  for a follow-up appointment with Schiner's Pediatric Orthopedic Sergeon, we get a call from his doctor letting us know that they needed to schedule a re-do ultrasound. 

"Everything is fine. No need to worry." The doctor said.

"He was probably moving." The doctor said. 

"We want to take another look at his spleen, it seems a little larger. Again, it's probably because he was moving to much. Someone will call you to set up the second ultrasound. Nothing to worry about. Okay. Bye" The doctor said. 

And just like that my heart dropped. What else does Robbie have to face and over come?  

So we proceeded to meet with the pediatric ortho surgeon. (We'll share about that visit another day. Promise.)

The week leading to his schedule second ultrasound, we had  to reschedule. Robbie came down with a fever. His temperature slowly creeped up to 104.2. We spent that week in the emergency room getting him stable. Why they didn't admit him to the hospital, Your guess is as good as mine. As always, in the back of my mind I questioned if this was part of an underlying medical condition or just a cold or some bug he picked up from somewhere. The fever went as fast as it came. 

Fast forward to the second / re-do ultrasound. To make sure Robbie would cooperate, as suggested by his doctor, I gave him a small dose of Benadryl. He was calm and still when moving the ultrasound wand around his little body. Total success! At least is what we thought.  

The second ultrasound confirmed what they suspected, the spleen was enlarged.  

"But it's okay, everything looks good." they said. 

"I've consulted with a pediatric hematology Oncologist and she agreed that everything looks find. But to keep a closer look at this the oncologist will be joining Robert's team. They will put him on their protocol. The specialist will over see the routine ultrasounds ....."

What happened next or what was said next .... I can't remember. 

All I know is that he has an oncologist on his team. He will be closely monitored, and his quarterly ultrasounds will consist of blood work and checking two additional organs. 

He HAS NOT been diagnosed with cancer, but why have an oncologist on board if that wouldn't be a probable diagnosis? 


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